Contact Us

Thank you very much for visiting the website of Nabtesco Corporation Marine Control Systems Company. Contact us by phone or through the inquiry form.

Inquiries by Phone

Questions/inquiries regarding purchasing

Domestic Sales Group, Sales Department

TEL: +81-78-967-5361

Sales Group, Service Department

TEL: +81-78-967-1405

Questions/inquiries regarding after-sales service/troubleshooting

Service Department

TEL: +81-78-967-1404 (24-hour service)

  • * About 2D codes: By reading these 2D codes with your mobile phone, you can easily make a call or add a contact to your address book.
    Some models may not be compatible.

Inquiries Through Form

For inquiries about products, please write the ship name, shipyard name, ship number, and IMO number in the message box.

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(for verification)Required

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  • <Notice Concerning Inquiries>
  • 1. Please be informed that we may respond on or after the following business day to inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and during the Golden Week and New Year holiday periods.
  • 2. There may be a case in which we cannot send a reply or provide an answer, depending on the nature of your inquiry.
  • 3. We manage your personal information responsibly. Information such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, the content of your inquiry, etc. as entered in this inquiry form will not be used for any other purpose other than responding to your inquiry.
  • 4. Information may be shared only within our group companies with the intent to respond accurately to your request. It will not be used for any other purpose other than responding to your inquiry.
  • 5. Please see the “Privacy Policy” and “GDPR Privacy Policy”concerning our policy of managing customers’ personal information.
  • 6. Please confirm that the URL of our website ( appears in the address bar of your browser before entering the required information.

Notice Concerning InquiriesRequired